Thursday, August 28, 2014

South African MAN a *runaway* hit! >>> PLUS how to jump on the 'online traffic' bandwagon

Less than a month after launching on August 6, South African MAN, edited by freelance photojournalist and author Nick van der Leek, has attracted over 20 000 page impressions.  The site, managed by a small team of designers, IT experts and content providers (the latter mostly from Nick van der Leek  himself) is regularly updated.

South African MAN's hallmark is colourful, insightful, vivid diversity, with an edge.  The sites mantra is 'Born to be bold' and many of its topics have an edgy quality. There is news, analysis, interviews with South African movers and shakers and yes, quite a few attractive women, all done to magazine-quality standards, but optimised for web/mobile acquisition.

Some of the personalities interviewed in the first three weeks since South African MAN went live, include:

- Professor Jonathan Jansen
- Kingsley Holgate
- Richard Murray
- Professor Tim Noakes
- Morgan Freeman
- Lauren Beukes
- Leonard Carr
- Willem -Dapper' De Wet
Maja Debeljkovic
- Naomi Das
- Annette Kasselman

Some of the most popular stories on the site include:

1. Is Grey SA's Greatest?
2. Statement Analysis can show Oscar's lies
3. MANdate Willem 'Dapper' de Wet Q&A

Besides regular analysis on the Oscar Pistorius Murder trial (Nick van der Leek is the author of 4 bestselling eBooks on the subject) the site also showcases COUNTERSPIN (controversial behind the scenes news), MANtalk (news analysis and commentary) and tongue-in-cheek commentary on topical entertainment, for example True Blood on television and Guardians of the Galaxy at the cinema.

Due to Nick van der Leek's current personal interest in Grey College at the moment, the site will receive a constant overflow of content based on an ongoing research project.

Besides a bulk of content written, edited and designed by Van der Leek himself, there are also contributions from New Zealand ("Podcasts from Kiwiland"), delivered once every two weeks, along with podcasts on fitness topics via America's Rob Roll, as well as US-based legal analysis from 'Juror13' and then regular nutritional advice via Megan Herriot, a UK-based doctor.

The FIXION section, run by crime writer Vernon Baumann, provides writing tips (including how to self-publish on Amazon), book reviews, news from the publishing and entertainment industry and movie reviews.  Competitions and giveaways will be launched via this section in September.

The site is also about to launch it's own MODELBOOK archive, which builds websites for a select group of young, local models South African MAN feels will be good brand ambassadors not only for South African MAN, but other quality brands as well. Nida Olivier and Loraine van Heerden are two lucky ladies who have been selected as part of the sites soon to be initiated MODELBOOK.

Although the site has just been launched, and advertisers have not been approached yet, two clients have already been secured in two separate pay-for-content deals, which provides exposure online and via social media (Nick van der Leek's twitter account @hirezlife has over 13 000 followers).

Once the Oscar eBook series is complete, the site will provide ongoing snippets and special offers via its FIXION section, and focus will then turn to other man-type stuff, such as car reviews, gear and gadget promotions and travel content.

Companies or individuals interested in arranging paid-for magazine quality online exposure, including shoots, features, interviews, product or event promotions, PR or brand leveraging - including exposure through exclusive social media networks -  can contact the editor here.

Visit South African MAN here.

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